May 2016: Tips for Driving Safely in the Spring Showers

RainDrivingMax wants to help you make sure you get to where you are going safely with a few tips for driving safely during those May showers!

  1. Use extra caution if it hasn’t rained in a while.  Did you know that the road is the slipperiest right when it starts to rain? That’s because there is dried grease and motor oil on the road from all the cars that gets lubricated when the rain first his it. If it hasn’t rained in a while, this slippery build up can make driving in the rain treacherous.
  2. Turn on your headlights!  
  3. Don’t use cruise control.  Many people don’t realize that using cruise control when it’s raining is very dangerous! If your car catches water and starts to hydroplane, your cruise control will think you’re slowing down and automatically speed you up. This can lead to you losing control of your car, spinning out and even crashing.
  4. Don’t slam on your brakes if you start hydroplaning. Hydroplaning occurs when a layer of water comes between the road and your tires, and your car loses traction or grip on the pavement. When this happens, do not panic and do not immediately slam on your brakes! Slamming on your brakes can cause you to lose control, instead simply take your foot off the gas and keep your steering wheel straight. That way when your tires do connect with the pavement again you’ll be able to safely drive straight out of it, instead of veering off to the right or left.
  5. Increase your following distance. Slick roads make it harder to stop or brake suddenly. Always make sure there is plenty of room between your vehicle and the one in front of you, more so than on a dry, sunny day.
  6. Don’t be afraid to pull over. If you are ever uncomfortable with your visibility or the driving conditions, it’s better to pull over in a safe area and wait out the storm than to try and brave it. When the roads are slippery or hazardous, it’s better to make it to your destination late and safely, rather than not at all.